Corporate Training

Enhance Managerial Performance

Learn the art of true management “Manage – Men – Tactfully” & manage situations wisely.

Team Dynamics & Collaboration

Days of one man army are over. Technological developments are beyond human imagination. Hence one needs a team to work for results. The “we power” is everything in today’s time. The need of the hour is collaboration. The two major ingredients are communication and co-ordination. Effective communication and right delegation is the key.

Planning & Prioritization

All about rightly planning for results. It is about learning the difference between activity and productivity. Planning is a thought process. It creates the blue print for action. The blue print has to be right for right execution. Prioritization of task should always be on the basis of severity level not size and convenience should decide the priority

Leadership (Facilitative & Situational)

Leadership is not a status. It is a state. Person needs to work as a guiding luminosity for the team. What works well, works well. Situational leadership is all about changing leadership style to the situation and with the person.
Facilitative leadership is all about Visualization to materialization. Leaders that create a vision for the team and enable the team mates to achieve with right guidance, appropriate involvement and being action oriented through proper planning, strategization and execution.

Communication Skills

How you speak the way you speak- Speak right is the real art.

Presentation Skills

Its all about your definition or your signature style. Please define yourself. Otherwise people will define you and most of the time they define you wrong.


Interpersonal Skills

To be good to self is standard. To be good to others is all about interpersonal skills. Let people use you. Don’t let anyone misuse you.

Social &Emotional Skills

Emotions. An energy in motion. Use emotions while thinking do not think emotionally.

Negotiation Skills

Coming to a mutual consent is standard. Bringing people to your terms happily is negotiation skills. Cut the cake into four pieces. Everyone feels I got the biggest is the art.


Change is the sign of development & Change is the sign of comfort. Learn to be a victor of it not victim.

Achievement Motivation

Whether trait based, situation based or interactional. Need to be used for achievement and results. Motivation is to fuel yourself to be more productive.


Truly about your journey from person to professional. From what am I to how should I be.

Sales & Negotiation

People like working with those whom they like. Need to develop that likability through appearance & communication. Need to master objection handling and the art of right closing of deal in favour. Negotiation for a common person may be coming to a mutual consent. For a person like you after mastering negotiation skills need to bring people to agree on your terms and still keeping them happy.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them. We need to think higher, wider and more to resolve. Understanding the difference between incidence, coincidence and pattern of a problem to check and cure.
Decision making leads to growth. Decision making is possible only when there is a choice. Right choices means good results of right decisions and wrong choices leading to wrong consequences of decisions. Need to learn different models of decision making for better results.

Effective Business Communication

Needed most by executives in Sales, operations and co-ordination. Correctness and Clarity matters most while communicating. Need to learn assertive communication. The art of convincing and style flexing to other persons communication style matters most to avoid conflicts. People should respond to you not react on your style of communication. We need to check whether we are into compatible communication or conflicting communication. The key is “be polite but be firm”.


We also organize out bound trainings for organizations. They are great success in increasing inter personal skills and team bonding for better collaboration.